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Cursed Morsels

Feb 25, 2021

Jan and I talk about the ethics of policing children's reading, the value of dark fairy tales, and her true crime story "I Promise I Won't Scream". There are spoilers for this story in the second half of the episode, but I warn you in advance. You can read the story here:

Feb 22, 2021

Joanna and I talk about The Wingspan of Severed Hands' hallucinatory fiction, male pregnancy tropes, and their Shirley Jackson queer werewolf novelette The Couvade. Note that there are spoilers for The Couvade in the second half, but the rest of the episode is spoiler free.

Buy Wingspan:

Feb 8, 2021

Beverley and I talk about the timeless and evolving allure of vampire fiction, marketing standalone books vs. series, and her story "The Silence of Sarah Cross" from the We Are Wolves anthology. Note that there are spoilers for this story in the second half, but I give a warning in advance. The rest of the episode is...

Feb 1, 2021

Sonora and I talk about blending sci-fi and horror, ways to make horror communities more gender-inclusive, and her story "The Parrot" from the We Are Wolves anthology. Note that there are spoilers for this story in the second half, but I provide a warning in advance. The second half also contains a brief discussion of...